It does not require Demolition skill and deals VERY low siege damage Torch can now be easily made out of basic materials and does not require naphtha. Implemented a shiny new GM robe, old GM robe is called "Believer Robe" now. Recommended to do only for important warriors in an events involving sieges/raids.

Resurrecting there will significantly decrease your resurrection sickness. You can now bind yourself to siege tents and keeps.

Added Christmas is feudal special set of craftable items - hats, boots and gloves For boots and mittens you need just one linen cloth for each item. The required materials depend on the type of item you desire. To create your hats and other items, you must have linen as well as wool or silk cloth. Let Santa know, that Life Is Feudal should be the next place for him to come visit! The main news is that we've added holiday hats, boots and mittens in this patch! Put them on and wear them with pleasure.

With the release of the current patch we have tried to create a Christmas mood in the game.